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Juanita Neville-Te Rito
Jun 19, 20202 min read
Retail Reboot: How to Webinar 9 - Positioning for the Long Term
Evolving Consumer Preferences and Retail Strategies Massey University, in conjunction with a range of industry partners including RetailX...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
Jun 5, 20202 min read
Retail Reboot: How to Webinar 8 - Restructuring tools for retailers in company law
Critical business restructuring considerations for improving performance and weathering the storm Massey University, in conjunction with...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
Jun 5, 20202 min read
Retail Reboot: How to Webinar 7 - Managing employees through a pandemic and beyond
Employment law, health and safety and personnel performance Massey University, in conjunction with a range of industry partners including...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 29, 20203 min read
Retail Reboot: How to Webinar 6 - Logistics and Fulfilment
Right-sizing physical flows for your business: Controlling variable costs, managing fixed costs and creating new revenue stream within...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 20, 20202 min read
Retail Reboot: How to Webinar 5 - Stock, costs and streams: right-sizing financial flows
In this webinar our experts will provide insight to put you in the best position to trade through this tough time.

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 20, 20202 min read
New Zealand Retail Re-Opens - a review of how retailers responded
The 28th of April marked a special day in NZ this year. Not only was it my birthday (yes I know we don't have to count any birthday in...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 20, 20204 min read
Disruption creates space for new thinking and opportunities
Monica Yiankias had just started her role as Retail Director Liquor King when New Zealand locked down. We asked Monica if she could share...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 13, 20202 min read
Retail Reboot: How to Webinar 4 - Back to Business
Massey University, in conjunction with a range of industry partners including RetailX and Retail NZ, is here to help provide some...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 11, 20208 min read
5 steps to reopening your store in Level 2
Hallelujah! Bring on Level 2 - Now the really hard work starts The move to level 2 is welcomed by us all, as we delight in the...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 7, 20202 min read
Retail Reboot: How to Webinar 3
Massey University, in conjunction with a range of industry partners including RetailX and Retail NZ, is here to help provide some...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
May 6, 20205 min read
6 predictions for retail and shopper behaviour based on past crises
As I write this, retail sales for April plummeted and while there is a sliver of hope as the lockdown restrictions loosened in Level 3 it...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
Apr 22, 20207 min read
Delivering a post-lockdown store: What you need to consider
As we prepare to move out of Level 4, I’m sure you are thinking, as we have been, what your new retail normal will look like. And...

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
Apr 21, 20203 min read
Re-Engineering Retail Under Lockdown
Craig Robertson - CEO of Pricewise joined the business just as COVID-19 impacted NZ. This is his account of running an essential business.

Juanita Neville-Te Rito
Apr 9, 20206 min read
A kiwi business trying to make it through a pandemic IRL
GUEST BLOG Becky Erwood is co-owner of FED, a prepared meal delivery startup. Becky provides a first-hand account about her experience...
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