This year we have separated the Christmas TV commercials for Australia and NZ as it is not an apples with apples comparison - with the big bucks of Europe and the USA dwarfing us AND we don’t have any snow to work with.
Both markets work on smaller budgets, even smaller audiences and it’s been a tough year especially in NZ. The approach we use in our part of the world is very much..... BRETAIL – a mix of brand and retail. A tricky tightrope of delivering your point of difference while reinforcing it with a strong value message. We have thrown away a lot of ads as we didn’t want to waste your time. There is a lot of the same old crapola - why even make a new ad - just pull out last years as no one remembers vanilla advertising. However, we have a good cross section of ads that you should be aware of as they are representative of what we see, what is good and what makes us sometimes wonder WTF.
Here are our Top 3 ads 🎄✨
Juanita - Three way tie of The Warehouse, New World and Spark
Lovely storytelling and a nice blending of product and price. Well executed. The 15 sec versions will appeal to a broader audience in a relevant way.
Likeability: 7
Emotional engagement: 7
Relevance: 9
This is a great ad that blends all the stuff you need when trying to engage an audience in this category at Christmas. A kid, relatable traditions, classic storytelling, rational, functional and emotional.
Likeability: 8
Emotional engagement: 7
I really like this ad. It’s playful, unexpected and relatable. All my kids keep saying it ‘you’d hate to be that kid at school – you'd cop so much crap.’ Great music and great talent.
Likeability: 8
Emotional engagement: 7
Relevance: 8
Kate - Telstra
This is really heartwarming and cute as well as great seamless integration of the brand - well done!
Likeability: 8
Emotional engagement: 8
Relevance: 7
Juanita - Australia Post
Oh I do like this ad. Very clever and very simple. Gigglesome, memorable and amusing.
Likeability: 8
Emotional engagement: 8
Relevance: 8
Kate - Michael Hill
Gorgeous! Love the music and a tear was shed. But very long.
Likeability: 8
Emotional engagement: 10
Relevance: 8
And finally, number 1 🌟
Juanita - Michael Hill
Thank god for Michael Hill. I needed a good sob. Grumpy teen, a dead mother, a new relationship, fear, loathing, confusion, rejection. Connection......love, a step forward. Hope. Full waterworks.
Michael Hill hands down winner for me – however – unless you have seen the entire story, the 30 second cut-down is not as powerful and less heartwarming. But credit where it is due. I love it.
Likeability: 9
Emotional engagement: 10
Relevance: 9
Kate - The Warehouse
Beatiful messaging around spending time and creating memories with friends and family. Great value being called out with the price points and lovely, heartwarming story when the boy invites his neighbour over. That's what Christmas is all about.
Likeability: 9
Emotional engagement: 10
Relevance: 10
Highly commended
Juanita - OTT and the right side of cheesy, great use of music, funny at every level, relatable. Great call out of the products.
Likeability: 8
Emotional engagement: 6
Relevance: 7
Kate - Funny, unique and good product call outs for Aldi’s sides.
Likeability: 9
Emotional engagement: 3
Relevance: 6
What this does show is that there is a difference in how certain ads appeal to different audiences. Even when the productions are very much Bretail.
We will throw up another blog later this week will all the others for you to have a look through and laugh, cry and wonder where some of these ideas actually come from!!