We make it easy for you to keep up to date with what's happening in the world of retail. Check out what we are reading this month and why.
Japan Airlines new wardrobe rental service helps reduce luggage weight and carbon emissions
Japan Airlines just launched “Any Wear, Anywhere,” which gives passengers the option to rent sets of clothing for the duration of their stay in the country, eliminating the need to pack. This new initiative is convenient for travellers, but ultimately aims to reduce the weight of the aircraft therefore cutting down on the airlines carbon emissions.
Woolworths opens all of its online stores to third-party sellers
Woolworths Group has launched MarketPlus which will enable third-party merchants to sell products across the supermarket chain's businesses including MyDeal, Everyday Market and the newly launched Big W Market.
Low Christmas spending could force struggling retailers to close
The Christmas season could be make or break for some retailers with the cost of living crisis, high inflation, wage pressure and price increases affecting both consumers and retailers. Consumers are curbing discretionary spending thanks so less disposable income as well as concern about the effect that Christmas shopping has on the environment.
How to build a lasting positive impact on society
Ethical values must be instilled from top to bottom and retailers need to ensure CSR and ethical business practices are of utmost importance. Consumers are stringent on brands and retailers behaving ethically, with a survey by Accenture finding that 71% of Gen Zs refuse to support unethical retailers.
Lush Malaysia have implemented some incredible initiatives to reduce the impact of environmental damage including: beach clean-ups, coral planting and clipping, release of turtles, waste management and so much more.
Amazon built the retail of today - now it's robots are building the Amazon of tomorrow
Amazon has revolutionised retail, and the world as we know it and now robots are reshaping Amazon. These robots move thousands of pounds through warehouses, sort millions of packages for shipping and even save on cardboard waste. The humans behind the robots are building a next-generation business model for e-commerce with an automated fulfillment system.
What we are reading